Investment opportunity for Landlords.
Offers are invited over £95,000.
Monthly income of £550, annual income of £6,600.
Local market values have increased in the area, and the property could potentially reach a monthly rental income of £600-£700pcm.
3 Bedroom end terraced house (small 3rd bedroom) with the benefits of gas central heating & double glazing, Through lounge, newly painted and new flooring, fitted kitchen with stainless steel sink, bathroom with bath and over bath shower, yard to rear and on street parking EPC Band C.
Located between Stanley Road and Hornby Road, in an established residential area with all facilities locally, including parks and open spaces, shops and frequent public transport services into Bootle centre. Good access to the Dock Road for travel into the City Centre and Waterfront leisure and retail areas such as the Liverpool One and Albert Dock complexes.